DanX XD & HP climate control for wellness and pool areas

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Climate control for wellness and pool areas

The DanX XD & HP compact units are energy and cost-efficient solutions that combine dehumidification, temperature control and ventilation in hotel pools, wellness centres and private pools with focus on low energy consumption.

All components of the DanX units ensure high capacity and a long service life. The system allows up to 100 % outdoor air supply. Double cross flow heat exchangers deliver up to 95 % heat recovery combined with low-energy EC fan motors. High-efficiency compressors ensure the lowest possible operating costs.

DanX HP Daytime: Partial recirculation with heating, 2-stage heat recovery and dehumidification with outside air and heat pump (HP model). To minimise pressure loss, only some of the humid air is conducted through the heat exchanger for evaporation. If dehumidification is insufficient, the proportion of dry outside air is increased automatically.



Installation costs are kept to an absolute minimum. The ultra-compact units are delivered fully assembled, with built-in after heating coil and control system. Convenient top or side connections ensure easy access to ducts.

All models are equipped with an intelligent control system, which is unique on the market. The system combines intuitive, problem-free operation with extremely advanced control and programming possibilities. The result is a highly precise control. This is the secret for unusually low operating costs for the DanX XD & HP models. The control also allows integration into a C-Bus system or the connection to a MOD-Bus network.